"Nature is not only beautiful, but it has a profound healing effect on our mind, body, and spirit." - Dr. Mark Hyman 

lone tree in autumn healthcare healing artwork

I work with hospitals, clinics, dentist offices, as well as other healthcare offices to provide artwork that creates a tranquil, healing environment for your patients. There is no arguing the healing properties that nature provides. Studies have in fact shown that nature has numerous beneficial effects on the human body, especially when it comes to relieving stress and anxiety. The purchasing of artwork for a new or existing hospital or medical facility can be a daunting task. Which artwork medium should I choose? What colors will work best, both in terms of matching the interior design while at the same time providing a soothing, relaxing environment for the patients? How do I prevent theft, or damage to the artwork in general? How much will the artwork cost? These are just a few of the questions and challenges that project managers face when it comes to choosing artwork for healthcare facilities. Before we begin answering these questions, let us examine all of the positive benefits that nature photography can provide, especially as it pertains to healthcare settings.

Let’s begin by examining how nature can be a positive and healing experience to the patients themselves. The ‘healing power of nature’ refers to the idea that spending time in and around natural surroundings can have a positive impact on human health and well-being. This concept has been recognized for thousands of years and is supported by both anecdotal evidence as well as scientific research. Bare, sterile white walls can be downright depressing. Being surrounded by the beauty of nature while stuck in a hospital bed, or a patient/waiting room, for example, can have a profound effect on a person, both consciously and subconsciously.

There are many ways in which nature can contribute to healing. For example, spending time in natural environments has been shown to not only reduce stress, but also improve mood, lower blood pressure, and even boost the immune system. One reason why nature is believed to have healing properties is that it allows us to escape the stresses and pressures of daily life. Being around nature also provides us with a sense of awe and wonder, which can help us feel more connected to something larger than ourselves. Natural environments can also provide opportunities for social connections, which are important for our mental and emotional health.

Overall, there is a growing body of research supporting the idea that spending time in nature can have a positive impact on human health and well-being. Incorporating nature into our daily lives, whether through spending time outdoors, or simply even just looking at nature scenes, can help promote healing and improve our overall quality of life.

Nature and landscape photography can provide numerous benefits to hospitals and healthcare offices, including:

Moose in autumn landscape healthcare healing artwork in hospital
  • Reducing Anxiety and Stress: It is no secret that patients can feel anxious and stressed when visiting hospitals or healthcare offices. Nature artwork can help to create a more calming and relaxing environment, helping to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

  • Promote Healing: Studies have shown that artwork can positively impact patient healing rates. Art can help to distract from pain and discomfort, promote a sense of well-being, and even reduce the length of hospital stays.

  • Enhance the Patient Experience: The presence of artwork, especially nature and landscape art, can improve the overall patient experience by making healthcare spaces feel more welcoming and visually appealing.

  • Boosting Staff Morale: Artwork can also benefit healthcare staff by creating a more pleasant and positive work environment. This can lead to improved staff morale and job satisfaction.

  • Stimulating the Mind: Artwork can provide a source of mental stimulation and engagement for patients, visitors, and staff alike. This can be especially important for individuals who are undergoing long-term care or are confined to healthcare settings for extended periods of time.

By incorporating artwork (specifically nature and landscape art) into healthcare spaces, not only can it have a positive impact on the well-being of patients, visitors, and staff, but it can contribute to the overall healing process as well.

The Meaning Of Color

Now let’s have a look at how certain colors of nature can play into the human psyche. It’s true that color can have various effects on us, both physically and physiologically. Here are just some examples in which color can impact us:

  • Physiological effects: Colors can affect our physiological responses, including changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature. For example, the color red has been found to increase heart rate and blood pressure, while blue can have a calming effect and lower blood pressure.

  • Psychological effects: Colors can also impact our emotions, mood, and behavior. For example, the color green is often associated with nature and can promote feelings of relaxation and calmness, while the color red is often associated with passion or danger and can increase feelings of excitement or alertness.

Let’s attempt to break down the colors and their different meanings.

Artwork for healthcare facilities and hospitals blue


The color blue is a calming and soothing color that can have various meanings, and it is a perfect choice for medical and healthcare facilities. The color blue is often associated with feelings of tranquility, peace, relaxation, inspiration, stability, and confidence. With all of the positive meanings, you cannot go wrong with this color in any hospital or healthcare setting.


The color green is a fresh and calming color that is often associated with growth, renewal, harmony, stability, and nature. Green is also associated with health and healing, and it is often used to promote human wellness and healthy living.

With that being said, the color green is a wonderful choice for medical office buildings and medical facilities.

Artwork for medical facilities and hospitals orange


In general, orange is a warm, vibrant and energetic color that often connotes enthusiasm, creativity, and optimism. It is commonly associated with the sun, fire, and heat, and is often used to symbolize warmth, vibrancy, happiness, and vitality. In some cultures, orange is also associated with spirituality and represents the qualities of enlightenment, transformation, and deep understanding. In others, it is associated with wealth and prosperity. The color lends itself well to any area where the idea is to invoke a sense of vitality.

Artwork for healthcare facilities and hospitals yellow


Yellow is a bright, eye-catching color that is often associated with positives emotions like happiness, joy, and optimism. Because it is a cheerful color that can lift people's spirits, it can be a great choice for healthcare facilities and hospital settings.

Artwork for healthcare facilities and hospitals red


The color red is often avoided because it is sometimes associated with danger. When it relates to nature, however, the color red can be motivating and stimulating. It symbolizes energy, strength, and action. When used in moderation, the color can be a great addition to certain areas a healthcare facility.

Artwork for healthcare facilities and hospitals purple


The color purple is a rich and luxurious color that can have various meanings depending on the context and culture. It can symbolize spirituality, nobility, and imagination. It is a color that enlightens, uplifts, inspires, and encourages us. Because of this, the color purple lends itself well to certain sections of a medical office building or hospital.

The difference is quality

Montana winter sunset healthcare artwork in hospital

The old adage, “you get what you pay for”, definitely rings true when it comes to choosing artwork for medical offices. Whether it’s trying to beat budget constraints, or something as simple as a lack of understanding of the differences between a quality piece of art and a mass-produced one, often times the lower cost alternative wins out. This is a decision that ultimately comes with regrets later on, when the artwork does not stand up to the test of time and must be replaced with something else. Quality, longevity, and durability are what separates a quality piece of artwork vs. mass-produced art. The two most common and durable mediums for display in medical facilities are Chromaluxe metal prints, and Acrylic-faced prints. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Metal prints are more cost-effective and easier to clean (and they can even be sterilized with bleach) but could become dented or scratched in high-traffic areas, while acrylic-faced prints are very scratch-resistant and resist most of the sun’s harmful UV rays but are significantly more expensive and extra care must be taken when cleaning the artwork. There are a few budget-friendly alternatives that exist as well. If budget constraints are an issue, feel free to reach out and I can walk you through all of the different options.


All of the fine art that I provide to medical facilities and hospitals comes with security hardware to prevent the unlikely scenario of theft.


Cost can be a determining factor when purchasing artwork for medical office buildings. The project manager should have an artwork budget laid out early on in the planning process. This budget will determine the quantity and quality of the artwork to be purchased. By working directly with an artist such as myself, we can work together to craft a customized plan for your project that not only satisfies your budget, but also exceeds your expectations. If you think my fine art would be a good fit for your project, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for in my online galleries, or just want to see more of a certain subject/area, I can browse my extensive photo library and send over a customized lightbox of images that might be a better fit for your particular project. I would love the opportunity to get to know and work with you to bring your project from dream to reality!


Are you an interior design firm, art buyer, or project manager tasked with outfitting a hospital or other healthcare facility?

You’ve come to the right place. I look forward to speaking with you and working together to meet all of your needs!